ummm. yeah so this blog has been a little dormant lately.......
so 2011! holy crap!
how was your 2010? the Darkhorse gang had a damn good time and did a bit of racing as well!!
Monty continued to ride ridiculously fast! he has a new super secret training program and rumor has it a whole new outlook on things!! stay tuned! all i can say is if you race in the pro class i feel sorry for you!
c-dubs, despite our best efforts to "transfer" him to another squad, will be back in 2011 in Darkhorse colors. argh! check in to his blog for "updates" on all things some what cycling related. he has a bum hip that despite copious amounts of "chinese" herbal cures continues to be an issue.but like a true hero he soldiers thru the pain with the help of pure agave nectar and mental instability!
check in on the Mayor and Rave on the "book of faces" to see what sort of nifty happenings are occurring in the new digs! yup thats right! a new HQ! if you haven't set foot in the cycling mecca of the greater Hudson valley you are truly missing out. the kegerator made the transition intact and continues to pour smooth frosty libations!
2011 races are up on bikereg! so get over there and sign up already! i'm tired of hearing George tell me that we don't have enough people registered 6 months in advance!
if you have news or notes send them our way and we will post them up!
happy 2011!